

一些比较好用的 Python 框架、库、软件等的合集, 基于awesome-python.



  • virtualenv - 最常用的Python虚拟环境管理工具.
  • p - 非常简单的Python版本管理工具.
  • pyenv - 简单的Python版本管理工具.
  • PyRun - 一个单文件、免安装的Python运行环境.
  • Vex - 在virtualenv中运行命令的工具.
  • virtualenvwrapper - virtualenv的插件合集.



  • pip - 即Python Package Index, 最常用的Python包管理工具.

  • pip-tools - 保持pip的包最新的同步工具.
  • conda - 跨平台的二进制包管理工具.
  • Curdling - 命令行包管理工具.
  • wheel - 标准Python打包工具(用来替代eggs).



  • PyInstaller - 将Python程序转换为跨平台的可执行程序(客户无需安装python即可运行).
  • dh-virtualenv - 将virtualenv环境打包成可发布的Debian软件包.
  • Nuitka - 将python脚本、模块、包编译成可执行或可扩展模块.
  • py2app - Python代码打包成 Mac OS X App 的工具.
  • py2exe - Python转exe(Windows).
  • pynsist - Windows安装包制作工具,会将Python一起打包.


交互式Python执行工具 (REPL).

  • IPython - 强大,比较常用的Python交互shell.
  • bpython – 一个便捷的Python交互工具.
  • ptpython - 先进的Python交互工具.



  • imghdr - (Python内置标准库) 判断图片类型的库.
  • mimetypes - (Python内置标准库) 获取文件的MIME类型描述.
  • - os.path的便捷版本.
  • pathlib - (Python3.4+ 内置标准库) 跨平台的文件路径库.
  • python-magic - libmagic 的便捷版本.
  • Unipath - 一个面向对象的文件和目录操作库.
  • watchdog - 监视文件系统改动的库.



  • arrow - 更好用的时间日期库.
  • Chronyk - Python3 时间日期解析库.
  • dateutil - Python标准模块 datetime 的扩展.
  • delorean - 处理跨时区、时间和日期的库.
  • moment - 时间日期处理库,Moment.js的Python 版.
  • PyTime - 易用的的时间处理库,把date/time/datetime当成string来处理.
  • pytz - 世界时区的库. 使用 tz database.
  • - 用户友好的时间日期操作库.



  • 通用

    • chardet - 兼容 Python 2/3 的字符编码检测.
    • difflib - (Python内置标准库) 差异计算工具.
    • esmre - 正则表达式加速器.
    • ftfy - Unicode文本乱码自动修复.
    • fuzzywuzzy - 文本模糊匹配(包含相似度计算).
    • Levenshtein - 字符串莱文斯坦距离和相似度计算.
    • - 中日韩文分词库.
    • pyfiglet - figlet的Python实现.
    • shortuuid - 简洁,唯一,URL安全的UUID生成器.
    • unidecode - Unicode转ASCII.
    • uniout - 打印可读的字符串(自动消除转义).
    • xpinyin - 将中文汉字转化为拼音.
  • 字符串转义(Slugify)

  • 解析器(Parser)



  • 通用

    • tablib - XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML处理.
  • Office

    • Marmir - 把Python数据结构转化成表格.
    • openpyxl - 读写微软Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm 文件.
    • python-docx - 读写微软Word 2007/2008 docx文件.
    • unoconv - LibreOffice/OpenOffice 文档格式转化.
    • XlsxWriter - 创建 .xlsx 文件的库.
    • xlwings - 读写 Excel.
    • xlwt / xlrd - 读写 Excel 文件.
    • relatorio - OpenDocument文件模版库.
  • PDF

  • Markdown

  • YAML

  • CSV

    • csvkit - CSV转化和操作库.
  • 压缩文件

    • unp - 压缩文件处理库(.tar, .gz, .zip, .7z, .bz, .rar 等).



  • NLTK - 最常用的Python自然语言处理平台.
  • jieba - 中文分词.
  • - 自动判断语言类型(可判别英文、中文等97种语言).
  • Pattern - 网络文本挖掘和分析.
  • SnowNLP - 中文文本处理库(分词、词性、情感分析等).
  • TextBlob - 便捷的NLP通用库.



  • Sphinx - 功能强大的文档生成器,广泛用于Python社区的各种文档.
  • MkDocs - 使用Markdown的文档生成器.
  • pdoc - 自动为Python库生成文档.
  • Pycco - "文艺编程"风格的文档生成器.




Libraries for manipulating images.

  • pillow - Pillow is the friendly PIL fork.
  • hmap - Image histogram remapping.
  • imgSeek - A project for searching a collection of images using visual similarity.
  • - Nudity detection.
  • pyBarcode - Create barcodes in Python without needing PIL.
  • pygram - Instagram-like image filters.
  • python-qrcode - A pure Python QR Code generator.
  • Quads - Computer art based on quadtrees.
  • scikit-image - A Python library for (scientific) image processing.
  • thumbor - A smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, re-sizing and flipping of images.
  • wand - Python bindings for MagickWand, C API for ImageMagick.


文字识别库, OCR(Optical Character Recognition).


Libraries for manipulating audio.

  • audiolazy - Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) package for Python.
  • audioread - Cross-library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) audio decoding.
  • beets - A music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger.
  • dejavu - Audio fingerprinting and recognition.
  • django-elastic-transcoder - Django + Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
  • eyeD3 - A tool for working with audio files, specifically MP3 files containing ID3 metadata.
  • id3reader - A Python module for reading MP3 meta data.
  • m3u8 - A module for parsing m3u8 file.
  • mutagen - A Python module to handle audio metadata.
  • pydub - Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface.
  • pyechonest - Python client for the Echo Nest API.
  • talkbox - A Python library for speech/signal processing.
  • TimeSide - Open web audio processing framework.
  • tinytag - A library for reading music meta data of MP3, OGG, FLAC and Wave files.
  • mingus - An advanced music theory and notation package with MIDI file and playback support.


Libraries for manipulating video and GIFs.

  • moviepy - A module for script-based movie editing with many formats, including animated GIFs.
  • scikit-video - Video processing routines for SciPy.


Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.

  • GeoDjango - A world-class geographic web framework.
  • GeoIP - Python API for MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Database.
  • geojson - Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON.
  • geopy - Python Geocoding Toolbox.
  • pygeoip - Pure Python GeoIP API.
  • django-countries - A Django app that provides country choices for use with forms, flag icons static files, and a country field for models.


Libraries for working with HTTP.

  • requests - HTTP Requests for Humans™.
  • grequests - requests + gevent for asynchronous HTTP requests.
  • httplib2 - Comprehensive HTTP client library.
  • treq - Python requests like API built on top of Twisted's HTTP client.
  • urllib3 - A HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, sanity friendly.



  • pickleDB - A simple and lightweight key-value store for Python.
  • PipelineDB - The Streaming SQL Database.
  • TinyDB - A tiny, document-oriented database.
  • ZODB - A native object database for Python. A key-value and object graph database.



  • MySQL

    • mysql-python - Python默认的MySQL连接件.
    • mysqlclient - 支持Python 3,是mysql-python的一个分支.
    • PyMySQL - 纯Python MySQL连接件,兼容mysql-python.
    • oursql - 一个更好用的MySQL连接件.
  • PostgreSQL

    • psycopg2 - 最常用的PostgreSQL连接件.
    • queries - A wrapper of the psycopg2 library for interacting with PostgreSQL.
    • txpostgres - Twisted based asynchronous driver for PostgreSQL.
  • 其它关系型数据库

    • apsw - Another Python SQLite wrapper.
    • dataset - Store Python dicts in a database - works with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
    • pymssql - A simple database interface to Microsoft SQL Server.
  • NoSQL数据库

    • cassandra-python-driver - Python driver for Cassandra.
    • HappyBase - A developer-friendly library for Apache HBase.
    • Plyvel - A fast and feature-rich Python interface to LevelDB.
    • py2neo - Python wrapper client for Neo4j's restful interface.
    • pycassa - Python Thrift driver for Cassandra.
    • PyMongo - The official Python client for MongoDB.
    • redis-py - The Redis Python Client.
    • telephus - Twisted based client for Cassandra.
    • txRedis - Twisted based client for Redis.


Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or data mapping techniques.


Full stack web frameworks.

  • Django - The most popular web framework in Python.

  • Flask - A microframework for Python.

  • Pyramid - A small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework.

  • Bottle - A fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework.
  • CherryPy - A minimalist Python web framework, HTTP/1.1-compliant and WSGI thread-pooled.
  • TurboGears - A microframework that can scale up to a full stack solution.
  • - A web framework for Python that is as simple as it is powerful.
  • web2py - A full stack web framework and platform focused in the ease of use.


Content Management Systems.

  • django-cms - An Open source enterprise CMS based on the Django.
  • djedi-cms - A lightweight but yet powerful Django CMS with plugins, inline editing and performance in mind.
  • FeinCMS - One of the most advanced Content Management Systems built on Django.
  • Kotte - A high-level, Pythonic web application framework built on Pyramid.
  • Mezzanine - A powerful, consistent, and flexible content management platform.
  • Opps - A Django-based CMS for magazines, newspapers websites and portals with high-traffic.
  • Plone - A CMS built on top of the open source application server Zope.
  • Quokka - Flexible, extensible, small CMS powered by Flask and MongoDB.
  • Wagtail - A Django content management system.
  • Widgy - Last CMS framework, based on Django.


Frameworks and libraries for e-commerce and payments.

  • django-oscar - An open-source e-commerce framework for Django.
  • django-shop - A Django based shop system.
  • Cartridge - A shopping cart app built using the Mezzanine.
  • shoop - An open source E-Commerce platform based on Django.
  • alipay - Unofficial Alipay API for Python.
  • merchant - A Django app to accept payments from various payment processors.
  • money - Money class with optional CLDR-backed locale-aware formatting and an extensible currency exchange solution.
  • python-currencies - Display money format and its filthy currencies.

RESTful API 框架

Libraries for developing RESTful APIs.

  • Django

  • Flask

    • flask-api - Browsable Web APIs for Flask.
    • flask-restful - Quickly building REST APIs for Flask.
    • flask-restless - Generating RESTful APIs for database models defined with SQLAlchemy.
    • flask-api-utils - Taking care of API representation and authentication for Flask.
    • eve - REST API framework powered by Flask, MongoDB and good intentions.
  • Pyramid

    • cornice - A REST framework for Pyramid.
  • 其它

    • falcon - A high-performance framework for building cloud APIs and web app backends.
    • sandman - Automated REST APIs for existing database-driven systems.
    • restless - Framework agnostic REST framework based on lessons learned from Tastypie.
    • ripozo - Quickly creating REST/HATEOAS/Hypermedia APIs.


Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.

  • OAuth

    • Authomatic - Simple but powerful framework agnostic authentication/authorization client.
    • django-allauth - Authentication app for Django that "just works."
    • django-oauth-toolkit - OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts.
    • django-oauth2-provider - Providing OAuth2 access to Django app.
    • Flask-OAuthlib - OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0 implementation of client and provider for Flask.
    • OAuthLib - A generic and thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic.
    • python-oauth2 - A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients and servers.
    • python-social-auth - An easy-to-setup social authentication mechanism.
    • rauth - A Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly.
    • sanction - A dead simple OAuth2 client implementation.
  • 其它

    • jose - JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption draft implementation.
    • PyJWT - Implementation of the JSON Web Token draft 01.
    • python-jws - Implementation of JSON Web Signatures draft 02.
    • python-jwt - Module for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens.


Libraries and tools for templating and lexing.

  • Jinja2 - A modern and designer friendly templating language.
  • Chameleon - An HTML/XML template engine. Modeled after ZPT, optimized for speed.
  • Genshi - Python templating toolkit for generation of web-aware output.
  • Mako - Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform.
  • Spitfire - A very fast Python template compiler.


Libraries for working with event and task queues.

  • celery - An asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
  • huey - Little multi-threaded task queue.
  • mrq - Mr. Queue - A distributed worker task queue in Python using Redis & gevent.
  • rq - Simple job queues for Python.
  • simpleq - A simple, infinitely scalable, Amazon SQS based queue.


Libraries and software for indexing and performing search queries on data.


Libraries for building user's activities.


Tools for managing, compressing and minifying website assets.

  • django-compressor - Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into a single cached file.
  • django-storages - A collection of custom storage back ends for Django.
  • fanstatic - Packages, optimizes, and serves static file dependencies as Python packages.
  • File Conveyor - A daemon to detect and sync files to CDNs, S3 and FTP.
  • Flask-Assets - Helps you integrate webassets into your Flask app.
  • glue - Glue is a simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites.
  • jinja-assets-compressor - A Jinja extension to compile and compress your assets.
  • webassets - Bundles, optimizes, and manages unique cache-busting URLs for static resources.


Libraries for caching data.

  • Beaker - A library for caching and sessions for use with web applications and stand-alone Python scripts and applications.
  • django-cache-machine - Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models.
  • django-cacheops - A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation.
  • django-viewlet - Render template parts with extended cache control.
  • dogpile.cache - dogpile.cache is next generation replacement for Beaker made by same authors.
  • HermesCache - Python caching library with tag-based invalidation and dogpile effect prevention.
  • johnny-cache - A caching framework for django applications.
  • pylibmc - A Python wrapper around the libmemcached interface.


Libraries for sending and parsing email.

  • django-celery-ses - Django email back end with AWS SES and Celery.
  • envelopes - Mailing for human beings.
  • flanker - A email address and Mime parsing library.
  • imbox - Python IMAP for Humans.
  • - Python SMTP Server for Humans.
  • inbox - The open source email toolkit.
  • lamson - Pythonic SMTP Application Server.
  • mailjet - Mailjet API implementation for batch mailing, statistics and more.
  • marrow.mailer - High-performance extensible mail delivery framework.
  • modoboa - A mail hosting and management platform including a modern and simplified Web UI.
  • pyzmail - Compose, send and parse emails.
  • Talon - Mailgun library to extract message quotations and signatures.


Libraries for working with i18n.

  • Babel - An internationalization library for Python.
  • Korean - A library for Korean morphology.


Libraries for parsing URLs.

  • furl - A small Python library that makes manipulating URLs simple.
  • purl - A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation.
  • pyshorteners - A pure Python URL shortening lib.
  • short\_url - Python implementation for generating Tiny URL and URLs.
  • webargs - A friendly library for parsing HTTP request arguments, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, and Pyramid.


Libraries for working with HTML and XML.

  • BeautifulSoup - Providing Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying HTML or XML.
  • bleach - A whitelist-based HTML sanitization and text linkification library.
  • cssutils - A CSS library for Python.
  • html5lib - A standards-compliant library for parsing and serializing HTML documents and fragments.
  • lxml - A very fast, easy-to-use and versatile library for handling HTML and XML.
  • MarkupSafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python.
  • pyquery - A jQuery-like library for parsing HTML.
  • untangle - Converts XML documents to Python objects for easy access.
  • xhtml2pdf - HTML/CSS to PDF converter.
  • xmltodict - Working with XML feel like you are working with JSON.


Libraries for scraping websites.

  • Scrapy - A fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework.
  • cola - A distributed crawling framework.
  • Demiurge - PyQuery-based scraping micro-framework.
  • feedparser - Universal feed parser.
  • Grab - Site scraping framework.
  • MechanicalSoup - A Python library for automating interaction with websites.
  • portia - Visual scraping for Scrapy.
  • pyspider - A powerful spider system.
  • RoboBrowser - A simple, Pythonic library for browsing the web without a standalone web browser.


Libraries for extracting web contents.

  • Haul - An Extensible Image Crawler.
  • html2text - Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text.
  • lassie - Web Content Retrieval for Humans.
  • micawber - A small library for extracting rich content from URLs.
  • newspaper - News extraction, article extraction and content curation in Python.
  • opengraph - A Python module to parse the Open Graph Protocol
  • python-goose - HTML Content/Article Extractor.
  • python-readability - Fast Python port of arc90's readability tool.
  • sanitize - Bringing sanity to world of messed-up data.
  • sumy - A module for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages.
  • textract - Extract text from any document, Word, PowerPoint, PDFs, etc.


Libraries for validating data. Used for forms in many cases.

  • Cerberus - A mappings-validator with a variety of rules, normalization-features and simple customization that uses a pythonic schema-definition.
  • colander - A system for validating and deserializing data obtained via XML, JSON, an HTML form post or any other equally simple data serialization.
  • kmatch - A language for matching/validating/filtering Python dictionaries.
  • schema - A library for validating Python data structures.
  • Schematics - Data Structure Validation.
  • valideer - Lightweight extensible data validation and adaptation library.
  • voluptuous - A Python data validation library. It is primarily intended for validating data coming into Python as JSON, YAML, etc.


Libraries for administrative interfaces.

  • Ajenti - The admin panel your servers deserve.
  • django-suit - Alternative Django Admin-Interface (free only for Non-commercial use).
  • django-xadmin - Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies.
  • flask-admin - Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask.
  • flower - Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery.
  • Grappelli – A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface.
  • Wooey - A Django app which creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.


Static site generator is a software that takes some text + templates as input and produces HTML files on the output.

  • Pelican - Uses Markdown or ReST for content and Jinja 2 for themes. Supports DVCS, Disqus. AGPL.
  • Cactus – Static site generator for designers.
  • Hyde - Jinja2-based static web site generator.
  • Nikola - A static website and blog generator.
  • Tinkerer - Tinkerer is a blogging engine/.static website generator powered by Sphinx.


Libraries for starting and communicating with OS processes.

  • envoy - Python subprocess for Humans™.
  • sarge - Yet another wrapper for subprocess.
  • sh - A full-fledged subprocess replacement for Python.


Libraries for concurrent and parallel execution.

  • multiprocessing - (Python standard library) Process-based "threading" interface.
  • threading - (Python standard library) Higher-level threading interface.
  • eventlet - Asynchronous framework with WSGI support.
  • gevent - A coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet.
  • Tomorrow - Magic decorator syntax for asynchronous code.


Libraries for networking programming.

  • asyncio - (Python standard library) Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks.
  • Tornado - A Web framework and asynchronous networking library.
  • Twisted - An event-driven networking engine.
  • pulsar - Event-driven concurrent framework for Python.
  • diesel - Greenlet-based event I/O Framework for Python.
  • pyzmq - A Python wrapper for the ZeroMQ message library.
  • txZMQ - Twisted based wrapper for the ZeroMQ message library.


Libraries for working with WebSocket.



  • gunicorn - Pre-forked, partly written in C.
  • uwsgi - A project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services, written in C.
  • bjoern - Asynchronous, very fast and written in C.
  • fapws3 - Asynchronous (network side only), written in C.
  • meinheld - Asynchronous, partly written in C.
  • netius - Asynchronous, very fast.
  • paste - Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested.
  • rocket - Multi-threaded.
  • waitress - Multi-threaded, poweres Pyramid.
  • Werkzeug - A WSGI utility library for Python that powers Flask and can easily be embedded into your own projects.


RPC-compatible servers.


  • cryptography - A package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers.
  • hashids - Implementation of hashids in Python.
  • Paramiko - A Python (2.6+, 3.3+) implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, providing both client and server functionality.
  • Passlib - Secure password storage/hashing library, very high level.
  • PyCrypto - The Python Cryptography Toolkit.
  • PyNacl - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library.


Libraries for working with graphical user interface applications.

  • curses - Built-in wrapper for ncurses used to create terminal GUI applications.
  • enaml - Creating beautiful user-interfaces with Declaratic Syntax like QML.
  • kivy - A library for creating NUI applications, running on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS.
  • pyglet - A cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python.
  • PyQt - Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework, with support for both Qt v4 and Qt v5 frameworks.
  • PySide - Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework, supporting the Qt v4 framework.
  • Tkinter - Tkinter is Python's de-facto standard GUI package.
  • Toga - A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit.
  • urwid - A library for creating terminal GUI applications with strong support for widgets, events, rich colors, etc.
  • wxPython - A blending of the wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python.
  • PyGObject - Python Bindings for GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+ (GTK+3)
  • Flexx - Flexx is a pure Python toolkit for creating GUI's, that uses web technology for its rendering.


Awesome game development libraries.

  • Cocos2d - cocos2d is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications. It is based on pyglet.
  • Panda3D - 3D game engine developed by Disney and maintained by Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center. Written in C++, completely wrapped in Python.
  • Pygame - Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games.
  • PyOgre - Python bindings for the Ogre 3D render engine, can be used for games, simulations, anything 3D.
  • PyOpenGL - Python ctypes bindings for OpenGL and it's related APIs.
  • PySDL2 - A ctypes based wrapper for the SDL2 library.
  • PySFML - Python bindings for SFML
  • RenPy - A Visual Novel engine.


Libraries for generating and working with logs.

  • logging - (Python standard library) Logging facility for Python.
  • logbook - Logging replacement for Python.
  • Eliot - Logging for complex & distributed systems.
  • Raven - The Python client for Sentry.
  • Sentry - A realtime logging and aggregation server.


Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.

  • 测试框架

    • unittest - (Python standard library) Unit testing framework.
    • nose - nose extends unittest.
    • contexts - A BDD framework for Python 3.3+. Inspired by C#'s Machine.Specifications.
    • hypothesis - Hypothesis is an advanced Quickcheck style property based testing library.
    • mamba - The definitive testing tool for Python. Born under the banner of BDD.
    • PyAutoGUI - PyAutoGUI is a cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings.
    • pyshould - Should style asserts based on PyHamcrest.
    • pytest - A mature full-featured Python testing tool.
    • pyvows - BDD style testing for Python. Inspired by Vows.js.
    • Robot Framework - A generic test automation framework.
  • Web测试

    • Selenium - Python bindings for Selenium WebDriver.
    • locust - Scalable user load testing tool written in Python.
    • sixpack - A language-agnostic A/B Testing framework.
    • splinter - Open source tool for testing web applications.
  • Mock

    • mock - (Python standard library) A mocking and patching library.
    • doublex - Powerful test doubles framework for Python.
    • freezegun - Travel through time by mocking the datetime module.
    • httmock - A mocking library for requests for Python 2.6+ and 3.2+.
    • httpretty - HTTP request mock tool for Python.
    • responses - A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library.
    • - Record and replay HTTP interactions on your tests.
  • 对象工厂

    • factory\_boy - A test fixtures replacement for Python.
    • mixer - Another fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Peewee and etc.
    • model\_mommy - Creating random fixtures for testing in Django.
  • 代码覆盖率

  • 伪数据(生成)

    • faker - A Python package that generates fake data.
    • fake2db - Fake database generator.
    • radar - Generate random datetime / time.
  • 错误处理

    • - uses state-of-the-art technology to make sure your Python code runs whether it has any right to or not.


Libraries and tools for analysing, parsing and manipulation codebases.

  • 代码分析

    • code2flow - Turn your Python and JavaScript code into DOT flowcharts.
    • pycallgraph - A library that visualises the flow (call graph) of your Python application.
    • pysonar2 - A type inferencer and indexer for Python.
  • 代码检查和优化

    • Flake8 - The modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and co.
    • Pylint - A source code analyzer.
    • pylama - Code audit tool for Python and JavaScript.


Libraries for debugging code.

  • 调试器

    • ipdb - IPython-enabled pdb.
    • pudb – A full-screen, console-based Python debugger.
    • pyringe - Debugger capable of attaching to and injecting code into Python processes.
    • wdb - An improbable web debugger through WebSockets.
    • winpdb - A Python Debugger with GUI, capable of remote debugging based on rpdb2.
    • django-debug-toolbar - Display various debug information for Django.
    • django-devserver - A drop-in replacement for Django's runserver.
    • flask-debugtoolbar - A port of the django-debug-toolbar to flask.
  • 性能分析

  • 其它


Libraries for scientific computing and data analyzing.

  • astropy - A community Python library for Astronomy.
  • bcbio-nextgen - A toolkit providing best-practice pipelines for fully automated high throughput sequencing analysis.
  • bccb - Collection of useful code related to biological analysis.
  • Biopython - Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation.
  • blaze - NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data.
  • cclib - A library for parsing and interpreting the results of computational chemistry packages.
  • NetworkX - A high-productivity software for complex networks.
  • Neupy - Running and testing different Artificial Neural Networks algorithms.
  • Numba - Python JIT (just in time) complier to LLVM aimed at scientific Python by the developers of Cython and NumPy.
  • NumPy - A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
  • Open Babel - A chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data.
  • Open Mining - Business Intelligence (BI) in Python (Pandas web interface)
  • orange - Data mining, data visualization, analysis and machine learning through visual programming or Python scripting.
  • Pandas - A library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools.
  • PyDy - Short for Python Dynamics, used to assist with workflow in the modeling of dynamic motion based around NumPy, SciPy, IPython, and matplotlib.
  • PyMC - Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit.
  • RDKit - Cheminformatics and Machine Learning Software.
  • SciPy - A Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
  • statsmodels - Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python.
  • SymPy - A Python library for symbolic mathematics.
  • zipline - A Pythonic algorithmic trading library.


Libraries for visualizing data. See: awesome-javascript.

  • matplotlib - A Python 2D plotting library.
  • bokeh - Interactive Web Plotting for Python.
  • ggplot - Same API as ggplot2 for R.
  • plotly - Collaborative web plotting for Python and matplotlib.
  • pygal - A Python SVG Charts Creator.
  • pygraphviz - Python interface to Graphviz.
  • PyQtGraph - Interactive and realtime 2D/3D/Image plotting and science/engineering widgets.
  • SnakeViz - A browser based graphical viewer for the output of Python's cProfile module.
  • vincent - A Python to Vega translator.
  • VisPy - High-performance scientific visualization based on OpenGL.


Libraries for computer vision.

  • OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Library.
  • SimpleCV - An open source framework for building computer vision applications.


Libraries for Machine Learning. See: awesome-machine-learning.

  • Crab - A flexible, fast recommender engine.
  • gensim - Topic Modelling for Humans.
  • hebel - GPU-Accelerated Deep Learning Library in Python.
  • NuPIC - Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing.
  • pattern - Web mining module for Python.
  • PyBrain - Another Python Machine Learning Library.
  • Pylearn2 - A Machine Learning library based on Theano.
  • python-recsys - A Python library for implementing a Recommender System.
  • scikit-learn - A Python module for machine learning built on top of SciPy.
  • vowpal\_porpoise - A lightweight Python wrapper for Vowpal Wabbit.


Framworks and libraries for MapReduce.

  • dpark - Python clone of Spark, a MapReduce alike framework in Python.
  • dumbo - Python module that allows one to easily write and run Hadoop programs.
  • luigi - A module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs.
  • mrjob - Run MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or Amazon Web Services.
  • PySpark - The Spark Python API.
  • streamparse - Run Python code against real-time streams of data. Integrates with Apache Storm.


Functional Programming with Python.

  • CyToolz - Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities.
  • - Functional programming in Python: implementation of missing features to enjoy FP.
  • funcy - A fancy and practical functional tools.
  • Toolz - A collection of functional utilities for iterators, functions, and dictionaries.


Software and libraries for DevOps.

  • Ansible - A radically simple IT automation platform.
  • SaltStack - Infrastructure automation and management system.
  • OpenStack - Open source software for building private and public clouds.
  • Docker Compose - Fast, isolated development environments using Docker.
  • Fabric - A simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.
  • cuisine - Chef-like functionality for Fabric.
  • Fabtools - Tools for writing awesome Fabric files.
  • gitapi - Pure-Python API for Git.
  • hgapi - Pure-Python API for Mercurial.
  • honcho - A Python clone of Foreman, for managing Procfile-based applications.
  • pexpect - Controlling interactive programs in a pseudo-terminal like GNU expect.
  • psutil - A cross-platform process and system utilities module.
  • supervisor - Supervisor process control system for UNIX.


Libraries for scheduling jobs.

  • APScheduler - A light but powerful in-process task scheduler that lets you schedule functions.
  • django-schedule - A calendaring app for Django.
  • doit - A task runner and build tool.
  • gunnery - Multipurpose task execution tool for distributed systems with web-based interface.
  • Joblib - A set of tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python.
  • Plan - Writing crontab file in Python like a charm.
  • schedule - Python job scheduling for humans.
  • Spiff - A powerful workflow engine implemented in pure Python.
  • TaskFlow - A Python library that helps to make task execution easy, consistent and reliable.


Libraries for providing foreign function interface.

  • cffi - Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.
  • ctypes - (Python standard library) Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.
  • PyCUDA - A Python wrapper for Nvidia's CUDA API.
  • SWIG - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator.


Libraries for making Python faster.

  • Cython - Optimizing Static Compiler for Python. Uses type mixins to compile Python into C or C++ modules resulting in large performance gains.
  • PeachPy - x86-64 assembler embedded in Python. Can be used as inline assembler for Python or as a stand-alone assembler for Windows, Linux, OS X, Native Client and Go.
  • PyPy - An implementation of Python in Python. The interpreter uses black magic to make Python very fast without having to add in additional type information.
  • Pyston - A Python implementation built using LLVM and modern JIT techniques with the goal of achieving good performance.
  • Stackless Python - An enhanced version of the Python.


Python programming on Microsoft Windows.

  • Python(x,y) - Scientific-applications-oriented Python Distribution based on Qt and Spyder.
  • pythonlibs - Unofficial Windows binaries for Python extension packages.
  • PythonNet - Python Integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR).
  • PyWin32 - Python Extensions for Windows.
  • WinPython - Portable development environment for Windows 7/8.


网络虚拟化和SDN(Software Defined Networking).

  • Mininet - A popular network emulator and API written in Python.
  • POX - An open source development platform for Python-based Software Defined Networking (SDN) control applications, such as OpenFlow SDN controllers.
  • Pyretic - A member of the Frenetic family of SDN programming languages that provides powerful abstractions over network switches or emulators.
  • SDX Platform - SDN based IXP implementation that leverages Mininet, POX and Pyretic.


Libraries for programming with hardware.

  • ino - Command line toolkit for working with Arduino.
  • Pyro - Python Robotics.
  • PyUserInput - A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboard.
  • scapy - A brilliant packet manipulation library.
  • wifi - A Python library and command line tool for working with WiFi on Linux.
  • Pingo - Pingo provides a uniform API to program devices like the Raspberry Pi, pcDuino, Intel Galileo, etc.


Python 2 和 3兼容性和转换工具.

  • Python-Future - The missing compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3.
  • Python-Modernize - Modernizes Python code for eventual Python 3 migration.
  • Six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities.



  • Emacs

    • Elpy - Emacs Python Development Environment.
  • Sublime Text

    • SublimeJEDI - A Sublime Text plugin to the awesome auto-complete library Jedi.
    • Anaconda - Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE.
  • Vim

    • YouCompleteMe - Includes Jedi-based completion engine for Python.
    • Jedi-vim - Vim bindings for the Jedi auto-completion library for Python.
    • Python-mode - An all in one plugin for turning Vim into a Python IDE.
  • Visual Studio

    • PTVS - Python Tools for Visual Studio.


Popular Python IDEs.

  • PyCharm - Commercial Python IDE by JetBrains. Has free community edition available.
  • LiClipse - Free polyglot IDE based on Eclipse. Uses PyDev for Python support.
  • Spyder - Open Source Python IDE.


Where to discover new Python libraries.



